What would happen if you became sick, hurt, or unable to work? We sometimes don’t realize how much of a privilege working is until we can’t do it anymore. Long Term Disability Insurance protects your ability to make an disabilityincome. If something were to happen to you, then long term disability would pay you a good portion of your take home income for an extended period of time. The ideal length of time to have a policy is until age 65 or greater. But in some cases you have to get as much as you can qualify for.

There is Something Called “Definition of Disability” and it Matters

You should only have a disability policy that will actually pay out if something were to happen. You want your policy to have the true “Own Occupation” definition, thus providing you with the best coverage. After all, do you really want your disability company to be able to say “Well you can work at Wal-Mart” if you were to become disabled? No way. By having a good definition then all you have to prove is that you can’t do your current occupation, then you get the full benefit. It’s especially important if you’re a Doctor or Dentist and specialize in a certain field. There are specific policies for specializations in those fields we can help you navigate.

Sometimes it’s a great idea to take the long term disability at work, but sometimes not

I will say that more than 50{bcc819005c63d8d01720890790576eb1bb8f541a24798f0c593f4caf8c2faac8} of the time it’s a good idea to take the disability insurance at work. But sometimes it’s not. Sometimes your profession can make it imperitive to get an outside policy and also sometimes the work coverage is sub-par such as only 2 or 5 year benefit periods. In the case of a lacking work policy we can get you a less expensive “wrap around” disability policy to bring your coverage up to par but still take advantage of what your work has to offer.

Would you like a free consultation, quote, or policy evaluation? Just fill out our contact form, choose the Insurance checkbox and we’ll be in touch as soon as possible. We work with people locally and do virtual appointments all the time!